Fanga, Parts 1 and 2

Fanga is probably the most well-known African rhythm here in the States.  Parts 1 and 2 are included.  NOTE:  On the second rhythm, the first two notes (go do) are called "pick up" notes, meaning they are played quickly right before the first beat of the measure.  Another way to look at it is that the first Gun of the second rhythm is on the "One" (first beat of the measure) and aligns with the first Gun in the first rhythm.  


The Gun Go Do Method

A quick review and demonstration of the Gun Go Do hand patterns, or ways of striking the drum.  Remember, it is as important to learn the language of the drum (Gun Dun Go Do Pa Ta) as it is to learn how to properly strike the drum.   

The Gun Go Do Rhythms

These six rhythms are what I like to call the "scales" of African drumming.  They help students learn the method quickly, while also perfecting their hand patterns (the way you strike the drum).  When we play them in class, students are introduced to the concept of polyrhythmic drumming (where 2 or more different rhythms are played at the same time to make up a song).  Remember to say each rhythm as you play it to help you commit the language and the associated drum strikes to memory.  

While the videos here are not a substitute for participating in a group setting, they will support you along your rhythm journey by giving you something to practice between class sessions.  

The Gun Go Do Rhythms 1 Through 6, 4 Times Each

More Gun Go Dos practice.